Who We Are
The Carolinas Air Pollution Control Association, or CAPCA, is made up of approximately 600 active members representing local, state and national air pollution control agencies; a wide variety of regulated industries; environmental consulting and testing firms; equipment manufacturers; related interest groups; and an interested general public.
In structure, CAPCA is a forum for communication for individuals and organizations with different perspectives on air pollution control. The membership meets in the spring and fall each year. We have formal programs with speakers from inside and outside the organization. Our informal program includes having fun together, as we believe that social interaction is beneficial in building trust and opening lines of communication. As a member of CAPCA, you would have the opportunity to exchange information and ideas with people working in the field of clean air management, from the plant engineer to the professionals who are writing regulations. The membership is actively involved in identifying problems and sharing solutions. As a member, you would receive current updates on regulations and enforcement, testing and monitoring procedures, policy, health effects, and other research developments.
The constitution and Articles of Association of CAPCA state the purposes for which the association is organized:
To organize and bring together into a unified body and association those individuals and entities who are working in the field of clean air management, whether in government, individual, corporate, or association capacity and those individuals and other entities that are interested in clean air, for the purpose of providing educational resources and opportunities in the area of air pollution control and related matters for promoting, encouraging, improving, advancing, and strengthening the cause of clean air through any and all lawful avenues and opportunities available.
Government, industry, citizens — we help each other. Can you help? If you share our goals and are interested in achieving them, join CAPCA today!